About Jobs

/About Jobs
About Jobs 2019-01-14T16:58:06+00:00

Our CORE BUSINESS has always been AUTOMATION, including different applications, such as:

  • Industrial process supervision and setting.

  • Power production supervision, control and monitoring.

  • Several technological and thermal units supervision, monitoring and control.

  • Purification and waste treatment plants supervision, monitorin and control.

  • Material handling material motion machinery control and automatization.

  • Power-user units analysis, control and monitoring systems;

  • Supervision and control systems for photovoltaic and solar thermal systems.

In this case we construct hardware configurations, we cooperate with our customers to decide control and operating logics that we traslate in software language, we create graphic pages with devices status on the monitoring system pages.


Matica is always an indication of “Technology” for installations. Our experience can be applied to obtain the best solution about the plant engineerin. Every project is developed by different steps, it begins from preliminary factibility evaluation, it goes through cost and benefits analysis of possible solutions, all to define the project elaboration. If it is a project necessary, we are able to execute field measurements with certified instruments, we certificate them annually to ensure the correct measurements.

Plants Construction

The planing, the desing, installation commissioning and customer factory authorizzation test is done by ourselves. Our technician procedures allow us to monitor the construction process and to have always available the updated documentation, used to emit the correct revision documents, fundamental papers for your plant. Our activities are:

  • Electrical and electro-mechanical plants;

  • Industrial piping anf mechanical plants;

  • Thermal and refrige power plant;

  • Simple or complex machinery;

  • Photovoltaic and solar thermal systems.

Maintenance Service

Any plant needs constant care to check the regular functionality and guarantee the good health. We have a thorough knowledge of the whole chain: from designer to commissioning. This allow us to supply every kind of maintenance: for process plants, power generation or thermal plants, machinery. We apply MultiService Maintenance allowing a unique interlocutor for all of your plants. The activity is composed of ordinary maintenance and straordinary maintenance. The first one is scheduled and previously agreed with our customer and it is customized to the real needs. The second one is executed after a fault with previously agreed times and methods. We have a dedicated SUPPORT and ASSISTANCE service with availability 24 hours per day and 365 days per years. Our automation systems allow us to do an immediate diagnosis by tablet or smartphone with TEXT or EMAIL service in case of system failure. The whole service, works both for our system and for other supplied system. The ordinary maintenance acitvities follow the tracking documents like “Maintenance Scheduled Cards” and the extraordinary maintenance activities generate the “Technical Activity Report” that it describes the works and the possible fault causes. We can execute on air systems maintenance acitvities, we can certificate the air depuration of fancoils and conditioning units, as Legilsative Decree 81 of 9th april 2008 (for safety for work places). We can act on:

  • Automation Systems;

  • Electrical and elctromechanical cabinet;

  • Boilers, pumps, heat exchangers, refrigerating machines;

  • Process instrumentations.

Thermal Units Construction and Management

We manage your heating or refrigeration systems, both with steam or water boiler or heat pump. We take care of the whole system from central unit to radiators and fancoils, e then until sanitary hot water tap. We are able to guarantee the continuity of services. If the boilers don’t need an operator for each 72 hours we can offer this service releasing your company of necessary maintenance operators. In evey case, we can work as the external supervisors doing the legally documentations  including ashes disposal, we can trade with disposal qualified companies. Our team is composed of thermal production machine specialists, obtainig the best consumption parameters, without other plant investments. We are able to analyse every kind of boilers, we can certificate with fume analyzer the real efficency state. We can balance the air conditining plants, obtaining the comfortable and uniform temperatures in every rooms with no waste one’s energy. Our activities are:

  • Technological Plants Management;

  • Thermal Units Management;

  • Refigerator Units Management;

  • Heating Systems Management;

  • Heat Exchanger Cleaner.

Power Efficency

From the environmental protection to the compliance with new guidelines of the air conditioning system. Both these elements, with the economic saving, the welfare and the conformt are only some reasons that they make the power efficency a philosophy. Our systems allow  to control, manage and regulate the air conditioning systems saving every kind of data, permitting the future analysis and looking for the best uthilization for the plant.

Electrical Cabinet Construction

We design and construct main and automation electrical cabinets, drive control cabinets and electromechanical cabinets. We are able to construct customize solutions also for aggressive and marine environments using every kind of materials: from glass fiber to stainless steel 316L. Our experience acquired in several applications allow us to support you for the design and develop every type of cabinets, for  prototypes or unique system or unique machinery. We use Autocad software including Spac application for wiring drawing for automation and plants in general. We can define construction features of the cabinet and the inside mounted devices according to overtemperature calculations, short-circuit current, and the other electrical feautures. The applications interface with the mark cable systems and equipments,  allowing the perfect correspondence between wiring diagrams and connections made. Furthermore, the applications used integrate with the plc developer automation software, thus ensuring hardware configurations constructed.

Welding and carpentry

We continue to invest in equipments, so we have dry sandblasting machine, water sandblasting machine using several inert materials for different works. The system is independent and portable cause of the dedicate motorcompressor. We have welder machines and work stations for iron, steel layers, 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, 316L stainless steel and aluminum. We make certified workings and weldings using every kind of meterials.

Support, Assistance and Technical Intervention

We propose on time and on site SUPPORT and continue ASSISTANCE to our customers. We propose spare parts, calibrations, training and consulting, assistance services and technical interventions both for our systems and other supplied systems. MATICA checks your system accurately allowing for improved equipments and compiling REPORTS for each intervention.

Industrial Automation Systems Developments

Thermal and Power Units Monitoring and Supervision Developments.

Depuration Plants Monitoring and Supervision Developments.

Handling Machinery Revamping.

Why Scheduled Maintenance? 

Any plant needs constant care to check the regular functionality and guarantee the good health.  The SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Service provides both of personal assistance and remote access assistance verifying general state of your systems. It also prevents an ordinary scheduled clean works, an accurate diagnostic reports analysis both for the equipments and for the whole system, operating sequences tests and system functionality tests.
The customer also can be sure in us for our “Full Risk” MAINTENANCE contract, that consists of replacing spare parts in small or somentimes real time.